In this paper, I will share some of the key things I have learned in my research about the challenges and opportunities encountered when reading for information on the Internet. After defining what I mean by online reading comprehension from a new literacies perspective and how it appears to be different than offline reading comprehension, I will highlight details about four of the biggest challenges for today’s learners. These include 1) understanding and becoming proficient with the new literacy skills and practices needed for online research; 2) developing a
special kind of digital wisdom that focuses on learning how to learn with the Internet; 3) taking on new roles in a digital culture that expects learners to actively participate and contribute new knowledge as a member of their community; and 4) developing positive attitudes toward using the Internet for academic work.
special kind of digital wisdom that focuses on learning how to learn with the Internet; 3) taking on new roles in a digital culture that expects learners to actively participate and contribute new knowledge as a member of their community; and 4) developing positive attitudes toward using the Internet for academic work.
Online Reading Comprehension, new literacy skills, digital culture
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ISSN 2317-0239 (Eletrônico)
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