On "deep and surface anaphora"

Eunice Pontes


Resumo: Hankamer and Sag (1976) argue for a distinction between deep and surface anaphora. Their conclusions were challenged by Williams (1977) who presents arguments against this distinction.


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HANKAMER, J.; SAG, I. Deep and surface anaphora. Linguistic Inquiry, v. 7, p. 391-426, 1976.

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PONTES, E. Algumas transformações relacionadas com os quantificadores. In: MEETING OF SBPC, 28, 1977, Brasília, Unpublished paper. Brasília: SBPC, 1977.

PONTES, E. (1977) Os determinantes em português. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE LINGUÍSTICA, II, 1977, Rio de Janeiro. A Linguística e o Ensino do Vernáculo. Rio de Janeiro: Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Tempo Brasileiro, 1979.

SAG, I. The nonunity of anaphora. Linguistic Inquiry, v.10, p. 152-164, 1979.

WILLlAMS, E. On deep and surface anaphora. Linguistic Inquiry, v. 8, p. 692-696, 1977.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17851/0101-3548.2.3.105-110


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Cadernos de Linguística e Teoria da Literatura
ISSN 0101-3548 (impressa)

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