Alçamento de vogais pretônicas

Maria do Carmo Viegas, Rosa Maria Assis Veado


Abstract: This paper discusses the pretonic vowels [e] ~ [i] and [o] ~ [u] alternation in the coloquial register of the Belo Horizonte metropolitan region. It argues that:

a) The above mentioned alternations have the status of línguistic variable and so can not be described by categoria morfo-fonological rules;

b) the structural enviroment isn't the same in the variable (i) and (u) conditioning, making clear that for each variable there is a rule with particular caracteristics.


LEMLE, M. Analogia na morfologia: um estudo de um caso. Revista Brasileira de Lingüística, Petrópolis, Vozes, v. 1, p. 16-21, 1974.

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Cadernos de Linguística e Teoria da Literatura
ISSN 0101-3548 (impressa)

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