Farewell to the "Angelus"
Partindo da análise paradigmática dos dois textos, este estudo busca mostrar como e quando os dois autores se mantêm num mesmo plano, ou se separam, deixando claros o envolvimento e a nostalgia, em Drummond, opostamente ao afastamento e à ironia, em Eliot.
This study analyses the paradigmatic construction of the two texts and aims to show where and when the two authors remain on the same level or move apart, when one can clearly see the involvement and nostalgia, in Drummond, opposed to Eliot's detachment and irony.
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ANDRADE, Carlos Drummond. Anoitecer. In: ______. Fazendeiro do ar & poesia até agora. Rio de Janeiro: Livraria José Olympio, 1955.
ELIOT, T. S. Prelude. In: ______.Selected poem's. London: Faber and Faber, 1947.
ELIOT, T. S. Tradition and the individual talent. In: ______. Selected prose. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1965.
WORDSWORTH, William. From Ode: intimations of immortality from recollections of early childhoood. In: WAYNE, Philip (Ed.). Wordsworth's poems. London: J. M. Dent & Sons, 1965. v. I.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17851/0101-3548.6.12.9-19
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Cadernos de Linguística e Teoria da Literatura
ISSN 0101-3548 (impressa)

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