The human condition as seen through Ionesco's The Chairs
Eugène Ionesco is a writer of the "Theatre of the Absurd," a term applied to a group of writers of the 1950's and 60's who share some characteristics in their work, and who are worried with more or less the same problems. Ionesco's The Chairs, which was written in 1951, well illustrates the main concerns of this group of writers the human condition and the reality of man's position in the universe.
Texto completo:
BONNEFOY, Claude. Conversations with Eugene Ionesco. Trans. Jan Dawson. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971.
IONESCO, Eugene. The Chairs. In: ______. Four Plays. Trans. Donald M. Allen. New York: Grove Press, Inc., 1958.
IONESCO, Eugene. The Play Wright’s Role. In: ______. Notes and Counter notes: Writings on the Theatre. Trans. Donald Watson. New York: Grove Press, Inc., 1964. p. 91.
IONESCO, Eugene. The World of Ionesco. In: HOBSON, Harold. (Ed.). International Theatre Annual. London: John Calder, 1957. n. 2, p. 46.
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Estudos Germânicos
ISSN 0101-837X (impressa)

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