The building of Macbeth's character through comparison and contrast

Astrid Masetti Lobo Costa, Elisa Cristina de Proença Rodrigues Gallo, Suely Maria de Paula e Silva Lobo


One of the ways in which Shakespeare builds characters in Macbeth is by using comparison and contrast. In order to demonstrate this idea, we have selected three characters, namely Duncan, Banquo, and Lady Macbeth, who will be analysed in relation to Macbeth. The reasons for the choice of those three characters acting as foils to Macbeth are: a) their relevance to the play as characters proper; b) the significance of their link with Macbeth; c) their presence in moments which can be considered turning points in the plot.

Texto completo:



SHAKESPEARE, William. Macbeth. In: SHAKESPEARE, William. The Oxford Shakespeare Complete Works. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1964.



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Estudos Germânicos
ISSN 0101-837X (impressa)

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