Sócrates por Xenofonte: a filosofia em ação para a construção de um homem integralmente forte e senhor de si mesmo

Aldo Lopes Dinucci


Abstract: Xenophon’s Socrates, by making a distinction between things that are under our control and things that are not, decides that thought should occupies itself only with human things, in order that the individual can achieve a degree of freedom that allows him to be a good friend, an exemplar warrior and politician, so that his soul can become good, beautiful and noble through self-knowledge.

Keywords: ethics; Xenophon; socratism; classical philosophy.

Texto completo:



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HESÍODO. Teogonia / Os trabalhos e dias. Tradução de Ana Elias Pinheiro & José Ribeiro Ferreira. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional, 2005.

PLATÃO. Apology. Translated by Harold North Fowler. London: Harvard University Press, 1995.

PLATÃO. Eutidemus. Translated by W. R. M. Lamb. London: Harvard University Press, 1990.

PLATÃO. Eutiphron. Translated by Harold North Fowler. London: Harvard University Press, 1995.

PLATÃO. Laches. Translated by W. R. M. Lamb. London: Harvard University Press, 1990.

PLATÃO. Lisias. Translated by W. R. M. Lamb. London: Harvard University Press, 1991.

PLATÃO. Protagoras. Translated. by W. R. M. Lamb. London: Harvard University Press, 1990.

STRAUSS, L. Xenophon´s Socrates. New York: Augustine Press, 1997.

XENOPHON. Anabasis. Translated by E. C. Marchant. London: Harvard University Press, 1996. Belo Horizonte, nº 2, dezembro de 2008.

XENOPHON. Anabasis. Traducción de F. M. Oca. Madrid: Patyta, 2006.

XENOPHON. Memorabilia; Oeconomicus; Symposium; Apology. Translated by E. C. Marchant. London: Harvard University Press, 2002.

XENOPHON. Ciropedia. Translated by E. C. Marchant. 8 ed. London: Harvard University Press, 2005.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17851/1983-3636.2.0.56-71


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Direitos autorais 2008 Aldo Lopes Dinucci

Nuntius Antiquus
ISSN 2179-7064 (impressa) / ISSN 1983-3636 (eletrônica)

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