Laertes e o mundo do trabalho na Odisseia
Abstract: Odysseus establishes several alliances to fight Penelope’s suitors in order to reassume his place at Ithaca. These alliances are marked by work. Humble workers (like Eumaeus, Philoetius, Eurycleia) stand side by side the hero’s wife, Penelope, the weaver. All this activity contrasts with the suitors’ idleness, constantly consuming the products of other people’s work. One of the last recognition scenes of the poem, in which the hero is recognized by his father, Laertes (Od., XXIV 205-360), reaffirms work’s special place at Odysseus’ relationships and strategies. This paper intends to examine this scene and discuss its meaning to the major context of the Odyssey.
Keywords: Homer; Odyssey; Laertes; work; recognition scenes.Texto completo:
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- Não há apontamentos.
Direitos autorais 2009 Adriane da Silva Duarte
Nuntius Antiquus
ISSN 2179-7064 (impressa) / ISSN 1983-3636 (eletrônica)

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