Comentário à Pítica VIII 1-60

Gustavo Henrique Montes Frade


Abstract: A commentary on the first three triads of Pindar’s Pythian VIII. In the first triad, the poet uses the divine Hesykhía to relate sports, war and politics; he also indicates the dependence of the human excelence on divine action and uses the presence of gods to praise the champion. In the second triad, Pindar praises the champion’s homeland and shows the relation between the athlete and the poet, a brief remark on poetry and its social function. The third triad is dedicated to the mythical speech of Amphiaraus about luck and the oscillations between winning and losing in human life.

Keywords: Greek poetry; Pindar; choral lyric; epinician poetry; Pythian VIII.



Greek poetry; Pindar; choral lyric; epinician poetry; Pythian VIII

Texto completo:



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Direitos autorais 2010 Gustavo Henrique Montes Frade

Nuntius Antiquus
ISSN 2179-7064 (impressa) / ISSN 1983-3636 (eletrônica)

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