O estatuto do narrador e da matéria narrada no Satyricon de Petrônio

Sandra Maria Gualberto Braga Bianchet


Abstract: The Satyricon of Petronius (first century a.D.) is taken as a literary work of which there is no precedent; compared to all other known works produced up to its time, it has unique characteristics. Nevertheless it reshapes many literary genres, either in prose or in verse, by means of parody, and restates a new way of making fiction: independent from inspiration by Muses, dependent on first-person narrator. It is intended here to focus on some traces of this new modus narrandi found in Petronius’ Satyricon

Keywords: Satyricon; Petronius; Latin novel; parody; first-person narration.

Texto completo:



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PÉTRONE. Satiricon. Texte établi et traduit par A. Ernout. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1999.

PETRÔNIO. Satyricon. Tradução e posfácio de Sandra Braga Bianchet. Belo Horizonte: Crisálida, 2004.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17851/1983-3636.5.0.83-91


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Direitos autorais 2010 Sandra Maria Gualberto Braga Bianchet

Nuntius Antiquus
ISSN 2179-7064 (impressa) / ISSN 1983-3636 (eletrônica)

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