O estilo em Como se Deve Escrever a História, de Luciano
Abstract: Although mixed, The way to write history is a document written mostly in middle style. Even though Lucian uses metaphors in the letter to Philo among other tropes and figures, comparison is one of the style resources most present in the text, maybe the main resource used. Not all cases of comparison used in The way to write history were presented, but when discussing some of them it is considered that comparison is a characteristic resource of the style Lucian uses. That is, according to the decorum of a treatise-moral demonstrative-deliberative letter of the vituperative kind. In order to make the text effective, the didactic and vice correcting functions demand imitation ways using a middle/ low style.
Keywords: Lucian of Samosata; rhetoric; satire; style; The way to write history.
Texto completo:
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MUHANA, A. Poesia e pintura ou pintura e poesia: tratado seiscentista de Pires de Almeida. São Paulo: FAPESP/ EDUSP, 2002.
QUINTILIANO. Instituição Oratória. Traduzida com notas críticas, históricas e retóricas de Jeronymo Soares Barboza. Tomo I. Coimbra: Imprensa Real da Universidade, 1788; Tomo II. Paris: Livraria Portuguesa de J. P. Aillaud, 1836 (reedição da edição de 1788).
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17851/1983-3636.9.1.47-57
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Direitos autorais 2013 Eduardo Sinkevisque
Nuntius Antiquus
ISSN 2179-7064 (impressa) / ISSN 1983-3636 (eletrônica)

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