Eurípides: Suplicantes (838-954)

Evandro Luis Salvador


Abstract: This text presents a free verse translation of the funeral rites (838-954) in Euripides’ The Suppliant Women. It is followed by a panoramic introduction highlighting the social function of the funeral for the war-dead. In this tragedy, Theseus fulfills the role of a commander and buries the majority of the Argive dead at Eleutherai, and it is Adrastus, along with Theseus, who conducts the funeral rites for the other five Argive heroes at Eleusis.

Keywords: Tragedy; The Suppliant Women; Euripides; Funeral Rites; Adrastus.


tradução; Eurípides; Suplicantes; ritos fúnebres; Tragedy; The Suppliant Women; Euripides; Funeral Rites; Adrastus.

Texto completo:



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Direitos autorais 2014 Evandro Luis Salvador

Nuntius Antiquus
ISSN 2179-7064 (impressa) / ISSN 1983-3636 (eletrônica)

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