Lançando anzóis: uma análise cognitiva de processos mentais em tradução

Fábio Alves Silva Jr.


TIle search for a general concept which would explain concisely the nature of the translation process has been an ongoing theme within the field of Translation TIleory. Lately, this search has pondered on the nature of translation both as a product and a process and produced several attempts towards such a concept. However, ali of these attempts have remained, at their best, at a c1assificatory leveI. Trying to fil! this conceptual gap, this article criticizes the applicability of concepts such as equivalence and adequacy within the field of Translation Theory and, then, drawing on Sperber & Wilson (986), it offers a complementary view, based on Relevance TIleory, which amalgamates both Shannon and Weaver's (1949) Code Model and Grice's (957) lnferential Model. The theoretical discussion is illustrated with empirical material collected by means of thinking-aloud protocols from German/ Portuguese translations.


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