O clítico e seu status prosódico

Leda Bisol


Clitics have received great attention in recent years. Articles dealingwith their syntactic or prosodic structure enrich the literature. Butthe question we are raising here is about where clitics take prosodicstatus. Is it in the lexical or in the postlexical component?We will argue that clitics are prosodized in the postlexicalcomponent. Arguments will be provided for the difference betweenthe prefix that belongs to the Phonological Word formed in thelexical component and the clitic that belongs to the Clitic Group.The most important evidence that supports the idea that the cliticdoes not belong to the phonological word comes from Elision, asandhi rule, that applies between words including clitics.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17851/2237-2083.9.1.5-30


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