Entendendo a leitura

Carla Viana Coscarelli


Reading is usually seen as an activity without subdivisions. Withpsycholinguistics as a support, we will show in this paper thatreading can be split into many sub processes. Among them we canmention lexical processing, syntactic processing, construction oflocal coherence, construction of thematic coherence andconstruction of external coherence or integrative processing.Understanding these subdivisions of the reading process enablesus to identify the items that interfere positively or negatively in thisprocess, facilitating the reading task or making the reader’s workmore difficult. The information provided can indicate to the teacherthe abilities he should help develop in his students in order tomake them become good readers.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17851/2237-2083.10.1.7-27


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