O autor

João Miguel Moreira Auto


The aim of this article is to discuss some important questions onthe meaning of the concept of “author”. First, it explains how RolandBarthes criticizes such a notion by stressing the reader’s role in thecomprehension of a text’s meaning. Then, Foucault is mentioned:he notes the important role the reader plays for the unity of thetext’s sense, but he is also aware of the possibility of a readable“author function”; the reader himself is the one who makes usrealize the actual existence of authorship. Also discussed is Possenti’shypothesis that it is possible to look for traces of authorship, forexample, in a simple text. Finally the following definition of theconcept is proposed: authorship is a kind of linguistic and discursiveattitude, an act of inscription by which the agent takes one’s standand articulates foregoing discourses and a later reception, accordingto personal tactics and specific style.


BARTHES, Roland. A morte do autor. In: O rumor da língua. Tradução de Mário Laranjeira. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1988. p. 65-70.

FOUCAULT, Michel. O que é um autor?. In: O que é um autor?. 4. ed. Tradução de António Fernando Cascais e Eduardo Cordeiro. Alpiarça: Vega, 2000. p. 29-87.

FOUCAULT, Michel. A escrita de si. In: O que é um autor?. 4. ed. Tradução de António Fernando Cascais e Eduardo Cordeiro. Alpiarça: Vega, 2000. p. 129-160.

POSSENTI, Sírio. Enunciação, Autoria e Estilo. Revista da Faeeba, Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Departamento de Educação; Campus I, Salvador, v. 15, p. 15-21, 1992.

POSSENTI, Sírio. Indícios de autoria. Perspectiva; Revista do Centro de Ciências da Educação, Florianópolis, v. 20, n. 1, p. 105-124, jan.-jun. 2002.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17851/2237-2083.13.1.171-182


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