Nominalizações de evento/processo e nominalizações de resultado: diferenças estruturais

Déborah Christina de Mendonça Oliveira


Within the class of nominalizations, there is a binary distinction betweenevent/process nouns and result nouns. In English, event nouns haveargument structure but result nouns do not. However, in Portuguese,both nouns (event/process and result) have argument structure. Weobserve that event/process nouns establish argumental relations astransitive verbs do. Consequently, they can express an internal argumentand an external one. Result nouns, on the other hand, can only expressan internal argument as inacusative verbs do. Considering this fact, thisstudy discusses the argumental properties of event and resultnominalizations in Brazilian Portuguese. Finally, we present evidencesfor the postulation of different structures for these nouns.


Argument structure; Event/process nouns; Nominalizations; Result nouns; Structural differences.


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