Construções sociais de gênero no ciberespaço: novas práticas sociais de letramento

Petrilson Alan Pinheiro


The objective of this paper is to investigate the construction of socialidentities of gender consubstantiated by new social practices ofliteracy on cyberspace. To do so, I will take as a central point asocioconstructivist view of discourse and social identities (MOITALOPES, 2003), whose epistemological basis is corroborated by theprinciple the subject relations are multiple and varied, namely, theyare understood as heterogeneous and contradictory, constituent ofdiscursive practices of which we participate. As a unit od analysis Ichose a piece of conversation carried out carried out in a virtual chatroom, where a boy constructs himself socio discursively as a girlwhen he engages himself in a literacy event with a friend.


Social identities; Gender; Literacy; Discourse; Cyberspace.


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