Die frühe Sportpolitik des portugiesischen Estado Novo im Spiegel der Vereinspresse
The article aims to analyse how the publications of several Lisbon sports clubs responded to an order by several decrees to align the formerly independent sports structures with the regulatory and ideological framework of the portuguese dictatorship in the early 1940s. While abiding to state requirements demanding that sports clubs cooperate in the education of the Portuguese population, the newspapers implemented a strategy which turned these originally restricting demands to their favour. Arguing that the clubs could better contribute to society with less taxation, and integrating such arguments in a nationalistic narrative sucessfully helped the clubs gain more political leeway in the late 1940s and in the 1950s.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17851/2526-4494.3.1.27-42
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ISSN: 2526-4494 / Qualis-Capes: A4 (provisório)
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