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Author Guidelines

Revista de Estudos da Linguagem

Code of Conducts and Good practices
The journal Revista de Estudos da Linguagem follows the guidelines of the Code of Conducts and Good Practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) . The submissions must meet their guidelines: to know the code, see the original text in English.
The journal uses a software for plagiarism detection.

Rules for submission (Updated on April, 2024)

1. General standards
a) Revista de Estudos da Linguagem is devoted to publishing high quality articles dealing with Linguistic Theory and Linguistic Analysis and accepts electronic submissions of original,unpublished texts (articles and reviews). Authors are encouraged to submit supplementary files with data, corpora, sound files, coding or any other elements that may enrich their paper and help readers appreciate it. Revista de Estudos da Linguagem receives unpublished papers from PhD, PhD students and Master Degree students. Undergraduate students can submit co-authored papers with professors and PhD researchers.
b) Each author may submit only one article per issue of the journal. Having had an article published, the same author can only publish another one after a 2 issue wait period.
c) A manuscript cannot be submitted concomitantly to another journal.
d) Manuscripts may be written in Portuguese, English, French, or Spanish.
e) For multiple author submissions, all authors must be registered as users of the journal; additionally, all authors must be listed on the submission page by the submitting author. All authors must have ORCIDIDs and these have to be inserted in the Metadata section of the article (note that they should be included with the mark http and not htpps, as they are originally generated). The submitting author must declare each author's contribution to the paper upon submission.
f) The submitted text should be properly revised and edited by the author. The editorial committee, when deeming necessary, will make further revisions and  style and textual changes. Texts which fail to comply with with the journal's standards of form, style and content will be rejected.
g) Reproduction for commercial purposes of any text published in the journal is prohibited.
h) Reproduction of a text published in the journal in other publications must be previously authorized by the Editor.

2. Formatting
a) Length between 6,000 and 15,000 words (from the title to bibliographical references) for articles and reviews.
b) A4 page format, Times New Roman font size 12 (except when another front size is indicated), simple space between lines, paragraphs with indentation on the first line of 1.25 cm, 3 cm margin (top and left) x 2 cm (bottom and right), format doc, docx, or rtf.
c) The title in the original language of the article should be in bold, font size 14, and centered. A translated version of the title into Portuguese for articles written in English or in English for articles written in Portuguese, French or Spanish should come on the line below, centered, in bold and in italics with the same font size.
d) Manuscripts under consideration cannot contain the names of the authors nor their academic affiliation. Throughout the text and in the reference section, the name of the authors as well as the entire references must be replaced by XXXXX and the corresponding year of publication. Therefore, the reference to an article published by the author in 2016 should appear as: XXXXX (2016), in the text and in the reference section. 
e) The abstract in the original language of the article should come two lines below the translated title. The word Abstract (or in the original language of the article) should come in bold and without italics, followed by a colon. The text of the abstract should start after the word in the same paragraph. The abstract should follow the ABNT NBR 6028:2021 standards; therefore it should contain objective, method, results, and conclusions of the article; it should be written in concise sentences in a single paragraph; preference for verbs in the active voice and in the third person singular; the length should be between 100 and 250 words.
f) Keywords should appear just below the abstract. The expression Keywords (or in the original language of the article) should come in bold and without italics, followed by a colon. Keywords must be in lowercase letters, separated by semicolons, without bold or italics, ended by a dot.
g) Abstract and Keywords in English must come after these elements in the original language of the article, following the same formatting instructions. In the cases of articles in English, Abstract and Keywords must be followed by Resumo and Palavras-chave in Portuguese.
h) Titles of the sections should come without indentation, with Arabic numerals (numbers should not be followed by a dot), in bold and capitalized only at the beginning. Numbering should not include the references. Between the previous paragraph to the subtitle and between the subtitle and the following paragraph two blank lines must be left.
i) Within the text,  book titles should be italicized (uppercase only at the beginning, except in the case of proper names). Titles of journal articles should appear in quotation marks.
j) Words that require translation or comments must be italicized, followed by translation or comments in quotation marks and parentheses. Examples should be glossed according to the Leipzig Glossing Rules (COMRIE, HASPELMATH & BICKEL, 2008)
k) Acknowledgements must come after the last paragraph of the text and before the references. Acknowledgements to supporting agencies, colleagues, reviewers and supporting instituions are encouraged as fair recognition of collaborative efforts to achieve excellence.
l) Illustrations, graphs, and tables must have their source indicated if they were not produced by the author of the submitted text and must have the consent of the author if they belong to third parties. Illustration, graphs, and tables producted by the author should indicate their sources as own elaboration or an equivalent expression. Images and figures must have a minimum quality of 400 pixels.
m) Pages must be numbered at the top in the right.
n) Explanatory notes must appear as footnotes, with continued Arabic numbering throughout the text.
o) In case more than one work by the same author is cited, the author's name must be repeated in the reference section. Do not use a continuous line to indicate repetition of authorship.
p) Concerning authorship, the submission must be in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 9610 of February 19, 1998: “A person who simply assisted the author in producing the literary, artistic, or scientific work by reviewing it, updating it, as well as supervising or directing its publication or presentation by any means is not considered a co-author” (Art. 15, § 1).

3. Citation
a) Citations should follow the author-date system, according to  ABNT NBR 10520:2023.
b) Basic forms of citation are presented and exemplified below:

–Author of citation outside parentheses: initial uppercase letter followed by lowercase with year and page.
Example: According to Elia (1979, p. 15), Bopp established the basis for identification of the relationship between languages.

Author of citation inside parentheses: initial uppercase letter followed by lowercase with year and page.
Example: It is known today that the thesis that vulgar Latin was homogeneous cannot be sustained (Elia, 1979, p. 42).

Indirect citation: do not use quotation marks, but indicate author, date, and page.
Example: For Elia (1979, p. 2), there is a relationship of part-whole between Philology and Linguistics.

Direct citation with less than three lines: use double quotation marks, indicating author, date, and page; use single quotation marks for citations within the citation.
“Languages of conquering peoples that influence the language of conquered peoples without absorbing it” are called superstratum (Elia, 1979, p. 110).

Direct citation with more than three lines: paragraph with 4 cm indentation, font size 10, without italics and quotation marks, indicating at the end, between parenthesis, author, date, and page.
As Elia remembers regarding Bopp’s method,

  • one of the most important results of the method was the genealogical classification of languages, according to which a group of languages is extended to a common ancestor (common Slavic, common Germanic, common Latin...), of which those are stages or differentiations (Elia, 1979, p. 5).

Interventions in direct citation: ellipsis in brackets for deletions; interpolations, additions, or comments in brackets; emphasis or highlight in italics.
“Languages of conquering peoples that influenced the language of conquered peoples without [...] absorbing it” are called superstratum (Elia, 1979, p. 110).

Citation of more than one work by the same author published in the same year: add lowercase letter, in alphabetical order, after the date and no space in the text and in references.
Portuguese has been included in Romance studies in Brazil (Elia, 1979a, 1979b).

Citation of more than one work by the same author published in different years: separate the year with a comma.
Elia (1961, 1989) discussed the question of Brazilian Portuguese.

Citation of work with more than one author: separate each author name with semicolons.
Dialect differences between Brazilian and Lusitanian Portuguese appear in different linguistic levels (Cunha; Cintra, 1985, p. 9-24).

Citation of works by different authors:separate each work with semicolons in alphabetical order.
Romance linguistics has been discussed in Brazil by several scholars (Elia, 1979; Miazzi, 1976).

Citation of a work from another work: indicate author and year of the citation, adding the expression apud, and indicate author, year, and page of the work in which the citation was made.
As Meillet had noted (1917-1919, p. 230 apud Elia, 1979, p. 4), “[l]es romanistes imitent trop souvent la grammaire comparée des langues indo-européennes par ses mauvais cotés”.

e) For other cases, consult the text of ABNT NBR 10520:2023 standards.

4. References
a) References should come after the last text section or after acknowledgements, if any. They should be in alphabetical order without indentation in the second line, with justified alignment and without skipping a blank line from a reference to another.
b) References should follow the ABNT NBR 6023:2018 Versão corrigida 2:2020. standards.
c) Basic forms of references are presented and exemplified below:

- Book: authors (with abbreviated first names and surnames), title (in italics) and subtitle (no italics), edition, place, publisher and date of publication.
ELIA, S. Preparação à linguística românica. 2. ed. rev. e aum. Rio de Janeiro: Ao Livro Técnico, 1979.

- Thesis, dissertation, or monography: author, title, date, number of pages, document type, degree, academic unit, institution, city, and date.
PONTES, E. Sobre o conceito de sujeito. 1984. 349 p. Tese (Concurso de professor titular do Departamento de Linguística e Teoria da Literatura) - Faculdade de Letras, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 1984.

- Chapter of book: authors, title of the chapter, expression In: complete reference of the book, and paging. For chapter of book by the same author, use five low dashes followed by a dot in the place of the name of the author. To organizers or coordinators, (Org.). or (Coord.) are employed, respectively.
BITTENCOURT, V. A filologia no Brasil. In: GONÇALVES, G. R.; RAVETTI, G. (Orgs.). Lugares críticos: línguas, culturas, literaturas. Belo Horizonte: Orobó/Faculdade de Letras da UFMG, 1998. p. 171-184.

- Article in journal: authors, title of the article, title of the journal, place of publication, volume or year, issue, starting and ending page, date.
DINIZ, D. C. B. Cartas inéditas de Dom Pedro II a Henri Gorceix: tradução e comentário. Caligrama, Belo Horizonte, v. 15, n. 1, p. 125-142, 2010.

- Piece from newspaper: authors (if any), title of the piece, title of the newspaper, place, date, section or part of the newspaper, and corresponding pages.
SALLES, W. A língua de Cesária aproxima o Brasil de Cuba e Cabo Verde. Folha de São Paulo, São Paulo, 28 abr 2001. Folha Ilustrada, Caderno E, p. 10.

- Published work presented in event: authors, title of the work, expression In:, event name, event numbering (if any), year and place (city) where the event was hosted, title of the document (annals, minutes, etc.), place, publisher, date of publication, and starting and ending page of the referenced part.
MEGALE, H. Matéria de Bretanha: da França ao ocidente da Península Ibérica. In: ENCONTRO DE ESTUDOS ROMÂNICOS, 2, 1994, Belo Horizonte. Anais... Belo Horizonte: Departamento de Letras Românicas/Faculdade de Letras/Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 1995. p. 11-21.

- Document available exclusivey in electronic medium (databases, websites, programs, e-mail messages etc.): authors, title of the service or product, version (if any), and physical description of the electronic medium.
HOUAISS, A. et al. Dicionário eletrônico Houaiss da língua portuguesa. Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva, 2001. 1 CD-ROM.

d) If any of the referenced works is available online, their data must necessarily be indicated: site address, presented between < > signals, followed by the expression Available from:, and the access date of the document (abbreviated month, day, and full year, separated by space), preceded by the expression Access on:.
DINIZ, D. C. B. Cartas inéditas de Dom Pedro II a Henri Gorceix: tradução e comentário. Caligrama, Belo Horizonte, v. 15, n. 1, p. 125-142, 2010. Available from: <>. Access on: Oct. 31, 2014.

e) Only authors’s first name initials must appear in the reference, not their full first name.
DINIZ, D. C. B. Cartas inéditas de Dom Pedro II a Henri Gorceix: tradução e comentário. Caligrama, Belo Horizonte, v. 15, n. 1, p. 125-142, 2010. Available from: <>. Access on: Oct. 31, 2014.

f) At the References section, the title and all other elements (edition’s number, preface, translation, notes on reedition and place of publication) must be referenced in the original language of the work.
KUBOTA, R. Critical Approaches to Culture and Pedagogy in Foreign Language Contexts. In: SHARKEY, J.; JOHNSON, K. E. (eds.). The TESOL Quarterly Dialogues: Rethinking Issues of Language, Culture and Power. Alexandria, VA: TESOL, 2003, p. 114-121.

g) For other cases, please refer to  ABNT NBR 6023:2018 Versão corrigida 2:2020. standards.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submitted text meets all the requirements described in the journal authors’ guidelines.
  2. The submitted text meets the Guidelines of the Code of Conduct and Good Practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
  3. All authors must  register and fill out all requested information, including ORCID and affiliation, previously to submitting a paper to the journal. Please note that in our site ORCID should be inserted using the mark http and no https, as it is generated.
  4. The submitting author must declare each author's contribution to the research and paper under submission.

    This information release is incombent on the submitting author and should be inserted in the "Comments to the Editor" section.


Copyright Notice

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following:

a. The authors hold copyright of the published papers; authors are the sole responsible party for published papers content; the published paper is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License which allows the sharing of the publication as long as there is acknowledgement of authorship and publishing by Revista de Estudos da Linguagem.

b. Authors should seek previous permission from the journal in order to publish their articles as book chapters. Such publications should acknowledge first publishing by Revista de Estudos da Linguagem.

c. Authors may publish and distribute their papers (for example, at institutional repositories, author's sites) at any time during or after the editorial process by Revista de Estudos da Linguagem.


Privacy Statement

Names and addresses reported in this journal will be exclusively used for the services provided by this publication, not being available for other purposes or to third parties.